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XD Collection Fitness 8 Shape Exercise Band In Pouch
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- B
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Print Color:
- Rectangle
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Triangle
- Line
- Polyline
- Free draw
Shape Color:
110mm(w) x 22mm(h) x 240mm(d)
Print type and position
TransferPouch: 80(w) x 160(h)
All dimensions are in millimetres
419696 XD Collection Fitness 8 Shape Exercise Band In Pouch
This figure 8 shape exercise band is a great fitness tool. Strengthen your muscles with this compact and convenient exercise band! Easy to carry and toss into any bag, you can take it anywhere to stay in shape. Including a manual with exercises so you can start exercising! Comes in a convenient pouch for easy carrying.
Brand: XD Collection.
Material: Thermoplastic rubber.